Laguna Canyon Conservancy

Mon, Mar 07
|Monthly Program Event
Melanie Schlotterbeck, Green Vision Project Coordinator is our Guest Speaker for March
Please join us on March 7, 2022, at 7:00 PM and meet our featured guest speaker Melanie Schlotterbeck, Green Vision Project Coordinator for the regional non-profit Friends of Harbors, Beaches, and Parks as she speaks about the organization's many preservation issues and projects in the works.
Time & Location
Mar 07, 2022, 7:00 PM
Monthly Program Event
About The Event
Our next program will feature Melanie Schlotterbeck, who is the Green Vision Project Coordinator for the regional non-profit Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks. She manages multiple coalitions and focuses on policy work at the local, regional, and statewide levels. Part of her work includes managing the Green Vision Map, which documents the existing protected natural lands and those in need of protection. Melanie was deeply involved in the creation of the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Renewed Measure M Mitigation Program, which has protected 1,300 acres and funded restoration of 350 acres to date. Since 2007 she has served as the Vice Chair for the Committee that oversees the Mitigation Program.
The Green Vision Map documents the wish list of conservation properties in and around Orange County and is the basis of Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks’ (FHBP) work. From supporting acquisitions to identifying properties for inclusion in the statewide conservation efforts, FHBP has assisted filling in the conservation gaps in multiple ways. Most recently, the organization has taken the lead on replicating the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Mitigation Program—of which FHBP was instrumental in creating—across a six countywide geography in Southern California.
From her presentation attendees will learn about the Green Vision Project, FHBP’s work to protect additional lands and some of the tools it uses, as well as a new Park Legacy Mapping project being developed to ensure existing regional parks remain protected.
- 7:00 PM – Open meeting – time for announcements LCC President Gayle Waite introduces speaker
- 7:15 PM – Speaker’s presentation
- 7:45 PM – Time for Q&A; questions from Gayle Waite using LCC Board questions & suggestions from Chat Room
- 8:15 PM – Meeting Concludes