Laguna Canyon Conservancy

Laguna Canyon Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, enhancing, and promoting the South Coast Wilderness.
Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. is a grassroots organization that has worked ceaselessly to protect wildlife habitat in Orange County since 1968.
CANDO - Cayon Alliance of Neighborhoods Defense Organization
To preserve the rural, low-density and small-scale character of Laguna Canyon.
To protect the integrity of our unique neighborhoods.
To ensure the safety of the Laguna Canyon corridor.
Our mission is to preserve, enhance, and celebrate the unique village character and cultural heritage of Laguna Beach. We foster community spirit and address social needs, and we work toward restoring and protecting our ocean and coastal habitats.
The City of Laguna Beach is a small town of picturesque beaches, hiking trails, a walkable downtown, and summer art festivals
Making Orange County a safe, healthy, and fulfilling place to live, work, and play, today and for generations to come, by providing outstanding, cost-effective regional public services.
The Coastal Greenbelt Authority (CGA) is the cooperative management authority for Laguna Coast Wilderness Park and Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park. The CGA members represent the park’s landowners, local environmental organizations, Laguna Canyon homeowners and cities adjacent to the parkland. The guiding documents for the CGA oversight are the General Development (GDP) and Resource Management (RMP) Plans for Laguna Coast Wilderness Park and the Resource Management Plan for Aliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park.

Works with conservation non-profits, local government, and resource agencies to protect natural land in perpetuity; provides workshops to educate the community, publishes toolkits, and testifies at hearings on land use issues; works closely with local and regional agencies to write, and help get adopted, conservation policies.
LBC - Who is the Laguna Bluebelt Coalition?
The Laguna Bluebelt Coalition brings together organizations and individuals with a common goal of protecting and restoring marine life, conserving biological diversity and maintaining healthy, sustainable marine habitats for all plant, fish and animal species.
We promote education of local marine resources and enforcement of environmental protection laws and regulations. The Coalition seeks to provide a forum for communication, relationship building, and public outreach toward the common goals of caring for the marine life environments of Laguna Beach.
The Laguna Bluebelt is a coalition of strong groups within and around the town of Laguna Beach, California that focus on the marine environment around us. We have successfully obtained city-wide marine protection.  We now work to inspire people to protect and care for our new reserves in order to attain a robust recovery.
Laguna Ocean Foundation is a non-profit 501(C) (3) organization founded in 2003 by a small group of concerned Laguna Beach residents in response to the VISION 2030 report. It was recognized through the report process that the coastal resources of Laguna Beach were an essential part of the community and there was a need for further protection and conservation of these resources. Locals and visitors flock to the beaches, tidepools, kelp forests and offshore habitats of Laguna Beach and the landscape of pristine sandy coves nestled between rocky intertidal points have long captured the imagination of artists.
With increasing visitation it was recognized that beach patrons to this community needed to be better educated concerning the delicacy of the marine ecosystems, with this goal the Tidewater Docent program was created in 2002 to provide interpretive education experiences at several Laguna beach tidepool sites. As the program expanded the local enthusiast decided that the program needed a home and that more could be done to further enlighten the community concerning conservation marine biology. The Foundation has expanded and grown, with a governing Board of Directors who oversee several programs, a professional consulting staff, and a large group of local volunteers and supporters.
Laguna Ocean Foundation is dedicated to sustainable ocean ecosystems along the Laguna Coast. We envision an evolving understanding of our local marine resources in order for Laguna Beach to better protect and enhance this valuable wilderness.